Characteristics of culture-negative subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis: a single-center observation

Characteristics of culture-negative subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis: a single-center observation


  • Supakorn Chansaengpetch Mahidol University
  • Rathachai Kaewlai Mahidol University
  • Tirathat Virojskulchai Mahidol University
  • Apinut Jaroonpipatkul Mahidol University
  • Nitipatana Chierakul Mahidol University
  • Nisa Muangman Mahidol University
  • Trongtum Tongdee Mahidol University
  • Wiwatana Tanomkiat Prince of Songkla University
  • Krisna Dissaneevate Rangsit University
  • Sitthiphon Bunman Thammasat University
  • Ruchira Ruangchira-urai Mahidol University
  • Wanwisa Dejnirattisai Mahidol University
  • Narongpon Dumavibhat Mahidol University


Mycobacterium infections, Tuberculosis, Asymptomatic diseases, Radiography


Background: Little is known about culture-negative subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), and its diagnosis remains challenging. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the characteristics and the extent of disease associated with culture-negative subclinical pulmonary TB.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted on immunocompetent individuals with subclinical pulmonary TB at a university hospital in Thailand from January 2014 to December 2019. Subclinical pulmonary TB was diagnosed based on the presence of radiographic abnormalities consistent with TB in the absence of TB symptoms. All subjects demonstrated significant improvement or resolution of radiographic abnormalities following the completion of treatment. At least two negative sputum cultures were needed to fulfill the definition of culture-negative pulmonary TB. Data were analyzed using univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses to determine the characteristics of those with culture-negative subclinical pulmonary TB compared to culture-positive ones.
Results: Out of the 106 individuals identified with subclinical pulmonary TB, 84 met the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. The study found lower radiographic extent and increasing age were key attributes of culture-negative subclinical pulmonary TB. The odds ratios (95% confidence interval) were 7.18 (1.76 to 29.35) and 1.07 (1.01 to 1.13), respectively. They tend to have lower rates of bilateral involvement in both chest x-ray (8.5% vs. 32.0%, p=0.006) and computed tomography (15.4% vs. 42.9%, p=0.035). However, no other specific radiographic findings were identified.
Conclusions: People with culture-negative subclinical pulmonary TB were likely to have less radiographic ­severity, reflecting early disease. Nevertheless, no radiographic patterns, except for unilaterality, were related to culture-negative subclinical pulmonary TB.


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How to Cite

Chansaengpetch S, Kaewlai R, Virojskulchai T, Jaroonpipatkul A, Chierakul N, Muangman N, et al. Characteristics of culture-negative subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis: a single-center observation. Multidiscip Respir Med [Internet]. 2024 May 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];19(1). Available from: