Kyphoscoliosis complicating asthma with fixed airway obstruction

Kyphoscoliosis complicating asthma with fixed airway obstruction



kyphoscoliosis, respiratory failure, Non-invasive mechanical ventilation


Introduction: Kyphoscoliosis is present in up to 2% of the juvenile population and can have deleterious effects on respiratory mechanics, leading to chronic respiratory failure later on in adult life. 
Case presentation: Hereby we describe a 53-year-old patient with severe uncontrolled asthma who presented with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure.  During her medical workup, she was noted to have several comorbidities leading to her respiratory failure. The patient had radiological evidence of bronchiectasis with recurrent episodes of infection, and a severe deformity of the spine due to Kyphoscoliosis.  Probably the kyphotic component of this deformity had worsened due to a long history of oral steroid use leading to severe osteoporosis and consequent vertebral compression fractures reaching a Cobb angle of 73 degrees.  This was probably caused by the patient’s non-compliance with inhaler therapy and an excessive reliance on oral steroid use. Her respiratory failure was treated with domiciliary noninvasive positive pressure ventilation and 24-hour oxygen therapy and her symptoms improved. 
Conclusion: A multidisciplinary approach across different specialities is necessary when managing such a patient with kyphoscoliosis, bronchiectasis, asthma with airflow limitation with respiratory failure.


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Bonello S, Farrugia Y, Mallia T, Maniscalco N, Balzan M. Kyphoscoliosis complicating asthma with fixed airway obstruction. Multidiscip Respir Med [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];19(1). Available from: